Remembering a great Actress
Getting Started with Firefox
...There´s a new blog and a new podcast. I hope you find them interesting.

It´s grey and very cloudy today. I cannot see the Mediterranean nor can I see the mountains. Both are shrouded in low clouds complemented by a film of mist. It is warm so I´ll check the Alicante forecast to see what lies ahead for us.
Happy people tend to talk more than unhappy people, but when they do, it tends to be less small talk and more substance, a new study finds.
A group of psychologists from the University of Arizona and Washington University in St. Louis set out to find whether happy and unhappy people differ in the types of conversations they tend to have.
For their study, volunteers wore an unobtrusive recording device called the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) over four days. The device periodically records snippets of sounds as participants go about their lives. Full Story
to get frightened, to be scared; to get worried
Me asusté cuando vi que no estaba allí. - I got scared when I saw you weren't there.
No se asuste, no es nada grave. - Don't get worried, it's nothing serious.
For more information and examples, visit the entry for asustarse.
Happiness is no match for heart disease
Some researchers are claiming that happiness could cure heart disease. If only it were that easy...
For most people, heart disease is the accumulation of a lifetime of bad habits. It's something you earn -- and no matter how jolly you are, if you're fat, sick and diabetic you'll stay that way until you take better care of yourself. And you can laugh yourself right into an early grave.
Researchers looked at data on more than 1,700 Canadians from Nova Scotia who participated in a decade-long health survey. At the start of the study, each participant's happiness was ranked on a five-point scale -- as if your overall contentment can be measured like blood-sugar levels.
Over the course of that decade, 145 of the participants developed heart disease, and those who ranked lowest on that happiness scale were far more likely to come down with the condition.
The researchers also claim that each one-point boost on their arbitrary happiness scale lowered the risk for heart diseases by 22 percent, according to the study published in the European Heart Journal.
I hate to burst the good feelings here, but this study flunks the common-sense test. I don't care how big you smile or how loud you laugh -- no amount of happiness in the world will undo the artery-clogging damage caused by a lifetime of TV dinners and fast food McThings.
Happiness has its benefits -- but let's not get carried away. Happiness alone WON'T save your life.
Happy and healthy,
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
A very old gag sent to me by Jackie C from Benidorm
A farmer goes out to his field one morning only to find all of his cows frozen solid. As far as the eye can see are cows, motionless like statues. It had been a bitterly cold night, but he'd never thought anything like this would happen. The realisation of the situation then dawned on him. With his entire livestock gone, how would he make ends meet? How would he feed his wife and kids? How would he pay the mortgage? He sat with his head in his hands, trying to come to terms with his pending poverty. Just then, an elderly woman walked by, "What's the matter?" asked the old lady. The farmer gestured toward the frozen cows and explained his predicament to the woman.
Without hesitation the old woman smiled and began to rub one of the cows noses. After a few seconds the cow began to twitch and was soon back to normal and chewing the cud. One by one, the old woman defrosted the cows until the whole field was full of healthy animals. The farmer was delighted and asked the woman what she wanted as a repayment for her deed. She declined his offer and walked off across the field. A passer-by who had witnessed the whole thing approached the farmer. "You know who that was don't you?" asked the passer-by.
"No" said the farmer "who?"
"That was Thora Hird"
Editor´s Note Here´s a link to explain the gag!
Husband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children. A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives, they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus.
So the husband and the blind man decide to walk. After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, 'Why don't you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick? That ticking sound is driving me crazy.'
The blind man replies, 'If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR stick, we'd be riding in the bus...........................
Music Stuff March 23rd
1961, Elvis Presley had his seventh UK No.1 - 'Wooden Heart.'
1964, John Lennon's book of verse and rhyme 'In His Own Write' was published in the UK.
1967, at a ceremony held at the Playhouse Theatre in London, The Beatles were awarded three Ivor Novello awards for 1966: Best-selling British single ‘Yellow Submarine’, most-performed song ‘Michelle’, and next-most-performed song ‘Yesterday’. None of the Beatles attended and the winning songs were played by Joe Loss and his Orchestra. The lead vocal for ‘Michelle’ was sung by Ross MacManus. His son would become Elvis Costello.
1969, Coventry Theatre...Stevie Wonder, The Foundations, The Flirtations and the man I worked with on the Radio One Club from Top Rank, Doncaster, Emperor Rosko. 1973, John Lennon was ordered to leave the US within 60 days by the immigration authorities.
1991, Hale And Pace and The Stonkers UK No.1 with the charity record 'The Stonk.....(not good!)
1991, R.E.M. scored their first UK No.1 album featuring the singles 'Losing My Religion' and 'Shiny Happy People.'
1995, Alan Barton of UK pop band Black Lace died... 1984 UK No.2 single 'Agadoo.'
2005, (Is This The Way To) Amarillo by Tony Christie featuring Peter Kay was the No.1 UK single
2008, Neil Aspinall, who ran the Apple Corps music empire for the Beatles from 1970 – 2007 died from Cancer at a hospital in New York aged 66. A school friend of Sir Paul McCartney and George Harrison, he was regarded by some of the band as the "fifth Beatle" . He was the Beatles' road manager in 1961 before becoming their personal assistant.
Birthday Boys and Girls March 23rd
1952, Dave Bartram, Showaddywaddy
1953, Chaka Khan, (Yvette Marie Stevens), US singer
1966, Mark McLoughlin, (Marti Pellow)
1968, Damon Albarn, vocals, Blur
1972, Beverly Knight
...There´s a new blog and a new podcast. I hope you find them interesting.
It´s grey and very cloudy today. I cannot see the Mediterranean nor can I see the mountains. Both are shrouded in low clouds complemented by a film of mist. It is warm so I´ll check the Alicante forecast to see what lies ahead for us.
Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
19° C | 8° C | 18° C | 9° C | 21° C | 10° C | 20° C | 10° C | 19° C | 7° C |
Scattered Clouds | Chance of Rain 20% chance of precipitation | Clear | Clear | Scattered Clouds |
Happy people tend to talk more than unhappy people, but when they do, it tends to be less small talk and more substance, a new study finds.
A group of psychologists from the University of Arizona and Washington University in St. Louis set out to find whether happy and unhappy people differ in the types of conversations they tend to have.
For their study, volunteers wore an unobtrusive recording device called the Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) over four days. The device periodically records snippets of sounds as participants go about their lives. Full Story
Word of the Day
asustarse ah-soo-star'-seh (pronominal verb)
to get frightened, to be scared; to get worried
Me asusté cuando vi que no estaba allí. - I got scared when I saw you weren't there.
No se asuste, no es nada grave. - Don't get worried, it's nothing serious.
For more information and examples, visit the entry for asustarse.
Some researchers are claiming that happiness could cure heart disease. If only it were that easy...
For most people, heart disease is the accumulation of a lifetime of bad habits. It's something you earn -- and no matter how jolly you are, if you're fat, sick and diabetic you'll stay that way until you take better care of yourself. And you can laugh yourself right into an early grave.
Researchers looked at data on more than 1,700 Canadians from Nova Scotia who participated in a decade-long health survey. At the start of the study, each participant's happiness was ranked on a five-point scale -- as if your overall contentment can be measured like blood-sugar levels.
Over the course of that decade, 145 of the participants developed heart disease, and those who ranked lowest on that happiness scale were far more likely to come down with the condition.
The researchers also claim that each one-point boost on their arbitrary happiness scale lowered the risk for heart diseases by 22 percent, according to the study published in the European Heart Journal.
I hate to burst the good feelings here, but this study flunks the common-sense test. I don't care how big you smile or how loud you laugh -- no amount of happiness in the world will undo the artery-clogging damage caused by a lifetime of TV dinners and fast food McThings.
Happiness has its benefits -- but let's not get carried away. Happiness alone WON'T save your life.
Happy and healthy,
William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.
A very old gag sent to me by Jackie C from Benidorm
A farmer goes out to his field one morning only to find all of his cows frozen solid. As far as the eye can see are cows, motionless like statues. It had been a bitterly cold night, but he'd never thought anything like this would happen. The realisation of the situation then dawned on him. With his entire livestock gone, how would he make ends meet? How would he feed his wife and kids? How would he pay the mortgage? He sat with his head in his hands, trying to come to terms with his pending poverty. Just then, an elderly woman walked by, "What's the matter?" asked the old lady. The farmer gestured toward the frozen cows and explained his predicament to the woman.
Without hesitation the old woman smiled and began to rub one of the cows noses. After a few seconds the cow began to twitch and was soon back to normal and chewing the cud. One by one, the old woman defrosted the cows until the whole field was full of healthy animals. The farmer was delighted and asked the woman what she wanted as a repayment for her deed. She declined his offer and walked off across the field. A passer-by who had witnessed the whole thing approached the farmer. "You know who that was don't you?" asked the passer-by.
"No" said the farmer "who?"
"That was Thora Hird"
Editor´s Note Here´s a link to explain the gag!
Husband and wife are waiting at the bus stop with their nine children. A blind man joins them after a few minutes. When the bus arrives, they find it overloaded and only the wife and the nine kids are able to fit onto the bus.
So the husband and the blind man decide to walk. After a while, the husband gets irritated by the ticking of the stick of the blind man as he taps it on the sidewalk, and says to him, 'Why don't you put a piece of rubber at the end of your stick? That ticking sound is driving me crazy.'
The blind man replies, 'If you had put a rubber at the end of YOUR stick, we'd be riding in the bus...........................
Music Stuff March 23rd
1961, Elvis Presley had his seventh UK No.1 - 'Wooden Heart.'
1964, John Lennon's book of verse and rhyme 'In His Own Write' was published in the UK.
1967, at a ceremony held at the Playhouse Theatre in London, The Beatles were awarded three Ivor Novello awards for 1966: Best-selling British single ‘Yellow Submarine’, most-performed song ‘Michelle’, and next-most-performed song ‘Yesterday’. None of the Beatles attended and the winning songs were played by Joe Loss and his Orchestra. The lead vocal for ‘Michelle’ was sung by Ross MacManus. His son would become Elvis Costello.
1969, Coventry Theatre...Stevie Wonder, The Foundations, The Flirtations and the man I worked with on the Radio One Club from Top Rank, Doncaster, Emperor Rosko. 1973, John Lennon was ordered to leave the US within 60 days by the immigration authorities.
1991, Hale And Pace and The Stonkers UK No.1 with the charity record 'The Stonk.....(not good!)
1991, R.E.M. scored their first UK No.1 album featuring the singles 'Losing My Religion' and 'Shiny Happy People.'
1995, Alan Barton of UK pop band Black Lace died... 1984 UK No.2 single 'Agadoo.'
2005, (Is This The Way To) Amarillo by Tony Christie featuring Peter Kay was the No.1 UK single
2008, Neil Aspinall, who ran the Apple Corps music empire for the Beatles from 1970 – 2007 died from Cancer at a hospital in New York aged 66. A school friend of Sir Paul McCartney and George Harrison, he was regarded by some of the band as the "fifth Beatle" . He was the Beatles' road manager in 1961 before becoming their personal assistant.
1952, Dave Bartram, Showaddywaddy
1953, Chaka Khan, (Yvette Marie Stevens), US singer
1966, Mark McLoughlin, (Marti Pellow)
1968, Damon Albarn, vocals, Blur
1972, Beverly Knight
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